Wrappers available

Action Description URL Option 1 Option 2
Viewers Current count of viewers isso.pro/thelab/viewers.php ?u=USERNAME
Uptime Current stream uptime isso.pro/thelab/uptime.php ?u=USERNAME
Name to ID Convert a username to user_id isso.pro/thelab/lookupid.php ?u=USERNAME
Account Update Last time the account details were modfied isso.pro/thelab/lastupdate.php ?u=USERNAME
Account age How long has this account existed isso.pro/thelab/accountage.php ?u=USERNAME
Follow since How long has user X followed streamer Y, with date isso.pro/thelab/followsince.php ?s=$(channel) &u=$(touser))
Follow age How long has user X followed streamer Y, without date isso.pro/thelab/followage.php ?s=$(channel) &u=$(touser))
Shoutout another streamer You should go follow TARGET at twitch.tv/TARGET - They last played: GAME isso.pro/thelab/so.php ?shout=$(touser))
User Following Proof of concept, list of 100 isso.pro/thelab/following.php ?u=USERNAME
Follow age (New API) How long has user X followed streamer Y, with date isso.pro/thelab/followsince2.php ?s=$(channel) &u=$(touser))
Uptime Current stream uptime (New API) isso.pro/thelab/uptime2.php ?u=USERNAME


Example: !addcom !followage $(urlfetch https://isso.pro/thelab/followsince.php?s=$(channel)&u=$(touser))

Follow Age/Since: $(urlfetch https://isso.pro/thelab/followsince.php?s=$(channel)&u=$(touser))

Uptime: $(urlfetch https://isso.pro/thelab/uptime.php?u=$(channel)

To use these on nightbot you can do !addcom !uptime $(urlfetch https://isso.pro/thelab/uptime.php?u=MyStream)